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Buy A Flat Coated Retriever
List of UK flat coated retriever breeders and flat coated retrievers for sale:
If you run a buy a Flat Coated Retriever service or are a flat-coat breeder and would like free listing on this page then please use the contact link on the left navigation bar.
The Breeders below sell flat coated retrievers:
Flat-Coats UK Breeders
I am often asked where someone can buy flat-coats puppies and dogs so have compiled this list of UK flat coat retriever breeders who should be able to either sell you a puppy or put you in contact with someone close to you where you can buy a Flat Coated Retriever.
Flat Coated Retrievers Derbyshire
Torwood Flatcoats have been breeding flat coated retrievers in North Wingfield, Chesterfield, Derbyshire for over 40 years. They own four flat coated retriever stud dogs as well as a few bitches. Visit their website at to view photos of their beautiful dogs, read about their breeding history and to contact Torwood Flatcoats.
Breedadog has details of flat coated retriever breeders and the contact details of other dog breed breeders. Those with dog and puppies to sell can also use Breedadog to sell their dogs and puppies. For more information visit the Breedadog website at and using the search facilities choose Retriever (Flat Coated) and then choose your area.
List Of Other Flat-Coated Retriever Websites.

Whilst my four legged companion sat beside me I wrote a book which tells the story of The Drummer Boy

. This novel is about the ghost of a Gordon Highlander Drummer Boy from the Battle of Waterloo who haunts a modern day army nurse.
Chapters take place in modern day Aberdeen, at the Noose & Monkey bar and restaurant as well as His Majesty’s Theatre and Garthdee. Other scenes take place at Tidworth and during the Napoleonic War.
Read the first three chapters for free

on most devices.
Flat Coated Retrievers Book
Flat-Coated Retriever (Comprehensive Owner's Guide) is a detailed flat coated retrievers book, published by Kennel Club Books, which will prove useful to any owner. Chapters include the history of the Flat Coat dog, advice on choosing a puppy, health care and training tips.
Buy Now.
If you would like to add your text, image, product, service, website or photo to this flat-coats page then please .
If you are a breeder of flatcoats and would listed on this page then please with your name, address, telephone number and website. A link back to will give you free listing on this page.
Please also read
Choosing a puppy advice. The breeders, kennels and organisations on this list are in no way affiliated with
By placing their names and addresses on this page we do not endorse their services nor are responsible for their services. Please read our
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Free UK Delivery on Pet Portraits from photographs at Karla's Creative Capers who did the portrait on the left from a photo of my Lucy. The portraits are ready to hang on the wall and are of a high quality canvas. For full details see