Flat Coated Retriever
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Dog Websites

Listing of Dog Websites including over a dozen Flat-Coated Retriever dog breed websites with their links and their content:


FlatCoated Retriever Breed Standard

Buying a Dog or a Puppy

Buy Food and Products

Buy A Flat Coated Retriever

Caring for Your Puppy

Clicker Training a Dog

Cushing's Disease

Dietary Advice



Ear Care

Eating Faeces

Foods To Avoid

Dog Friendly Garden

Gift Box


Poop Disposal

Teeth Care





Free Food

Get your Dog on TV or Magazines

Grass Eating



Hip Dysplasia


How To Cut Nails

How To Deal With Hair

How To Give A Bath

How to stop Barking

How To Teach Roll Over and Play Dead

How to tell if your Dog is Overweight

How To Work Out A Dogs Age

Introducing a New Puppy to an Older Dog

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Kennel Cough Symptoms


Mange Signs

Privacy/Disclaimer Policy

Puppy Training Tips

Signs of Arthritis

Signs of Dehydration

Signs of Worms

Site Map

Signs of Pain

Training to the Whistle Come Back

Why Dogs Go Round In Circles Before Lying Down

Dog Portraits from Karla's Creative Capers
Free UK Delivery on Dog and Pet Portraits from photographs at Karla's Creative Capers who did the portrait on the left from a photo of my flat coated retriever, Lucy. The portraits are ready to hang on the wall and are of a high quality canvas. For full details see their dog websites section at www.karlascreativecapers.co.uk

Flatcoat Scotland

www.flatcoat-scotland.com is the dog website of The Flatcoated Retriever Club of Scotland. The Clubs aims are to encourage the welfare of FlatCoated Retrievers through responsible ownership and to encourage the working, training and showing of the breed.
Past Championship show winners and entrants can be viewed as well as future show schedules which are held at The New Lanark Agricultural Centre.

Whilst my four legged companion sat beside me I wrote a book which tells the story of The Grey Lady Ghost of the Cambridge Military Hospital which reveals her origins in the QAIMNS and where she meets a QA veteran of Afghanistan. She still walks her wards and tells her story by taking Scott Grey, a QARANC nurse, to the battlefields of World War One and beyond. This is the first in the series of Grey and Scarlet Novels by CG Buswell. Read the first chapter for free.

Over £100,000 of vouchers to be won - everyone's a winner!

Flat Coated Retrievers Book

Flat-Coated Retriever (Comprehensive Owner's Guide) is a detailed flat coated retrievers book, published by Kennel Club Books, which will prove useful to any owner. Chapters include the history of the Flat Coat dog, advice on choosing a puppy, health care and training tips.

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Independent Flatcoated Retriever Rehoming

Independent Flatcoated Retriever Rehoming are an organisation, based in Chippenham in Wiltshire, and run by volunteers who care for flat coats who need a new home or care. Independent Flatcoated Retriever Rehoming (IFRR) works hard to re-home flat-coats and flat-coat cross breeds and find foster families throughout the UK in loving homes. Each home is vetted by IFRR. Re-homing a dog advice and an application form can be found at their dog website flatcoated-retriever.info

Independent Flatcoated Retriever Rehoming rely on donations to continue their work with flat-coats. Fundraising includes producing and selling a flat coated retriever calendar. mouse mats, notelets and fridge magnets.

For more information about Independent Flatcoated Retriever Rehoming please visit www.flatcoated-retriever.info

Dog Portraits from Karla's Creative Capers

Free UK Delivery on Pet Portraits from photographs at Karla's Creative Capers who did the portrait on the left from a photo of my Lucy. The portraits are ready to hang on the wall and are of a high quality canvas. For full details see www.karlascreativecapers.co.uk

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Flat Coat Rescue

www.flatcoatrescue.co.uk is the dog website for the FCR Fundraising UK whose aims are to raise funds for the welfare, rescue and rehousing of Flat-Coats in the UK. There is a selection of limited edition prints and postcards, mouse mats, table protectors, chopping boards and books about Flat-Coats.
The dog website has some charming graphics including a characteristic wagging tailed Flat-Coat.

www.flatcoated-retriever-society.org is affiliated to the Kennel Club and has some great photos of Flatcoats at Crufts. There is a comprehensive history of the Flatcoat and a Breed Standard description. Articles in the dog websites range from the development of the breed, ring and show etiquette, agility and obedience training.
The Flatcoated Retriever Society website has a month by month updated listing of calendar events and a listing of Flatcoats items for sale such as key rings, car stickers, polo shirts, badges and Christmas cards.
The Litter Secretary can be contacted for a list of FlatCoated Retriever puppies for sale and advice for those who wish to breed their Flatcoats.

www.fcrsainc.org is the Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America which has the honour of being the American Kennel Club's official national parent club for pure bred Flat-Coated Retrievers.
Their photo gallery at the dog breed website is stunning and a pleasure to browse. Photos of your Flat-Coated Retriever are welcomed for submission.
Articles include health subjects such as hip dysplasia and luxating patellas. Event listing at Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America include agility trials and fun field days.
The Hall of Fame has famous flat-coats from years gone by.

flatcoat.freeservers.com is the homepage of the Beacon Flat-Coated Retrievers in Oklahoma, USA. There are some gorgeous pictures of their litters - do look out for Kid Curry - he's so cute!

flat-coat.com dog breed website is the sister site of Beacon Flat-Coated Retrievers and is packed with useful Flat-Coat information such as deciding if a Flat-Coat is the right dog for you and the Breed Standard from the Flat Coated Retriever Society of America.

www.flatcoat.com is the dog breed websites of the Sterling and Omega Flat-Coated Retrievers. There is a comprehensive history about the Flat-Coated Retriever and some action filled photos of their dogs out hunting and being shown.
Articles include how to choose a puppy, finding a breeder and health and training tips.

www.longleaf-retrievers.com is a dog website dedicated to Flat-Coated Retrievers and Golden Retrievers. There is breed information and information about their litters.

www.nwk.ca is the homepage of Northwood Kennels. There are some great pictures of Flat-Coats in the wet, emerging from rivers and in the snow and details of their litters.

The dog websites below are not linked because at the time of reviewing my page the links were broken. They may be back live online:

www.flatcoated-retrievers.com dog breed website is an International Directory dedicated to FlatCoated Retrievers with interesting articles and some stunning photographs including many Flatcoats in hunting action. You can register your FlatCoated Retriever on the site and have your dog's details and photograph listed.
Flatcoated-retrievers.com dog websites has a list of UK and International Flatcoat societies with contact addresses, urls and telephone numbers.

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