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Dog Poop Disposal

Guide to the dog poop disposal system and how to make dog poop compost easily with the dog poop composter:
Dog poop disposal can be messy, smelly and take up room in your wheelie bin. The common way of pooper scooping using plastic bags is not environmentally friendly and adds to the landfill problem. As more councils are encouraging people to reduce their waste dog owners need to have an easy and hygienic way of dog poop disposal.

This is where the dog poop disposal system comes in. Those described here use biodegradable bags that either rot down to form compost or will be eaten by worms to produce worm castings, ie worm manure. These make excellent sources of compost and nourishment for your garden and can also be turned into liquid feed.

Whilst my four legged companion sat beside me I wrote a book which tells the story of The Grey Lady Ghost of the Cambridge Military Hospital which reveals her origins in the QAIMNS and where she meets a QA veteran of Afghanistan. She still walks her wards and tells her story by taking Scott Grey, a QARANC nurse, to the battlefields of World War One and beyond. This is the first in the series of Grey and Scarlet Novels by CG Buswell. Read the first chapter for free.

Flat Coated Retrievers Book

Flat-Coated Retriever (Comprehensive Owner's Guide) is a detailed flat coated retrievers book, published by Kennel Club Books, which will prove useful to any owner. Chapters include the history of the Flat Coat dog, advice on choosing a puppy, health care and training tips.

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Dog Poop Wormery

The first dog poop wormery comes from DogPooWormery.com and looks like a discrete green wheelie bin. It has an attractive picture of a dog on it and is ideal for all breeds of dogs. This easy, safe and efficient means of dog poop disposal simply gets you to pick up the dog poop into a biodegradable bag which goes into the dog poop wormery which you pre-fill with special worms from the coir block supplied and leave nature to it. The worms eat through the bags and dog poop and turn this into compost. After sometime you get worm castings that can be added to your flower beds as compost or liquid feed from the tap.

During this time there will be little smell whilst you can get on with your busy life or enjoy your garden, free of dog mess. Once purchased the dog poop wormery needs little maintenance and is a re-usable , dog poop disposal system for dog owners. Worm food should be added at intervals to provide the worms with initial and on-going nutrition.

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Dog poop disposal does not often make the news but it did in 2012 when a new superhero who fights against owners who do not clean after their dog was created. This was Dog Poop Man in the Czech capital of Prague. In keeping with traditional superheroes Dog Poop Man wears tights, a cape and a helmet to not only disguise his identity but to offer protection from angry dog owners. Dog Poop Man, who also calls himself SuperVaclav, seeks out owners who do not dispose of their dog poop safely and pelts them with their dog mess!

Dog Poop Disposal Vehicles

New dog poop disposal vehicles have recently been introduced by councils throughout the UK to deal with the problem of dog fouling at a cost of about £22 each. Each has special dog related names. For example in West Belfast it is called ROVER (Ride On Vehicle Excrement Remover), in Nottingham and London it is called the POOVER a motorbike with hoover attachment) whilst in Aberdeen it is called FIDO (Faeces Intake Disposal Operation). Such dog dirt removal machines are specially built by firms such as Trafalgar Cleaning Equipment.

Each dog poop disposal vehicle has a powerful suction hose to suck up dog poop and a spray hose that can disinfect the area that dog mess has been. They are small enough to manoeuvre down pavements and around local parks.

Other attempts to highlight the problem of dog poop disposal was to get council employees to spray the dog mess with pink paint to show the owners what a problem not clearing up after their dogs is causing. A recent report found that though 50,000 people complained to their councils about dog mess, only 6000 fines were issued in Scotland alone.

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Dog Portraits from Karla's Creative Capers

Free UK Delivery on Pet Portraits from photographs at Karla's Creative Capers who did the portrait on the left from a photo of my Lucy. The portraits are ready to hang on the wall and are of a high quality canvas. For full details see www.karlascreativecapers.co.uk

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Dog poop disposal was made more lucrative in Taiwan where residents were rewarded with lottery tickets for clearing up after their dogs. The top prize was a gold ingot worth £1400.

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