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Kennel Cough Symptoms
An explanation of Kennel Cough, the causes of kennel cough, symptoms of kennel cough, transmission and treatment of kennel cough:
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Kennel cough is a dog disease of the upper respiratory tract caused by the bordetella bronchisepticia bacteria, though other viruses and bacteria can cause it. Kennel cough can affect other animals.
A dog affected by kennel cough will develop a cough, often sounding like a honk. Some owners may think that their dog has something stuck in its throat due to the harsh sound of the cough. Excitement and exercise will worsen the kennel cough symptoms cough.
Kennel cough is an airborne infection and can also be transmitted through direct contact. As its name suggests it is most commonly seen in boarding kennels due to the close proximity of a group of dogs. Kennel cough has an incubation period of 3 - 10 days though infected and recovered dogs can still spread the disease for several months.
Whilst my four legged companion sat beside me I wrote a book which tells the story of The Grey Lady Ghost of the Cambridge Military Hospital which reveals her origins in the QAIMNS and where she meets a QA veteran of Afghanistan. She still walks her wards and tells her story by taking Scott Grey, a QARANC nurse, to the battlefields of World War One and beyond. This is the first in the series of Grey and Scarlet Novels by CG Buswell. Read the first chapter for free.
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Flat Coated Retrievers Book
Flat-Coated Retriever (Comprehensive Owner's Guide) is a detailed flat coated retrievers book, published by Kennel Club Books, which will prove useful to any owner. Chapters include the history of the Flat Coat dog, advice on choosing a puppy, health care and training tips.
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Vaccination by live attenuated vaccine nose drops administered by a vet is the recognised prevention. Some boarding kennels will insist that your dog have this (with a certificate of administration) before accepting your dog. It will take 5 days for a dog to develop immunity, so early vaccination is recommended before kennelling.
Read the health page.
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