FlatCoated Retriever Breed Standard
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The Breed Standard is a description of the ideal representative of a specific breed of dog and is written by The Kennel Club's standards Committee. Below is their Breed Standard for the Flatcoated Retriever:
General Appearance: An active, bright medium sized dog showing an intelligent expression. Power without lumber and raciness without weediness.
Characteristics: Optimistic and friendly; full of enthusiasm - demonstrated by the tail wagging (the only breed standard to mention this!)
Temperament: Confident and kind.
Head and Skull: A long and nicely rounded head with a flat skull that is broad, but with a slight stop between the eyes. A good-sized nose with open nostrils. Jaws are long and strong.
Eyes: Medium sized round prominent eyes of dark brown/hazel colour with an intelligent expression.
Ears: Close to the side of the head and well set.
Mouth: Strong jaws with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite (upper teeth closely overlap the lower teeth and square to the jaws). Teeth are sound and strong.
Neck: Head is well set in the neck, long and free from throatiness. Symmetrically set and obliquely placed in the shoulders which runs well into the back.
Whilst my four legged companion sat beside me I wrote a book which tells the story of The Grey Lady Ghost of the Cambridge Military Hospital which reveals her origins in the QAIMNS and where she meets a QA veteran of Afghanistan. She still walks her wards and tells her story by taking Scott Grey, a QARANC nurse, to the battlefields of World War One and beyond. This is the first in the series of Grey and Scarlet Novels by CG Buswell. Read the first chapter for free.
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Flat Coated Retrievers Book
Flat-Coated Retriever (Comprehensive Owner's Guide) is a detailed flat coated retrievers book, published by Kennel Club Books, which will prove useful to any owner. Chapters include the history of the Flat Coat dog, advice on choosing a puppy, health care and training tips.
Buy Now.
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Forequarters: Chest is deep and broad with a well-defined brisket. The elbows should move evenly and cleanly. The forelegs are straight.
Body: Flat foreribs with a body that is well ribbed up showing a gradual spring and well arched in the centre though lighter towards the quarters. Loin is short and square.
Hindquarters: A muscular dog, with a moderate bend of stifle and hock. Should stand true all round.
Feet: Soles should be thick and strong and the feet should be round and strong with close toes that are well arched.
Tail: A gaily-carried tail that is short, straight and well set.
Gait/Movement: Seen from the front and rear the dog should be free and flowing, straight and true.
Coat: A fine to medium dense texture, being as flat as possible. The legs and tailcoat should be feathered.
Colour: Black or liver.
Size: Male - 58 - 61 cms 23 - 35 kgs
Female - 56 - 59 cms 25 - 34 kgs
Read about my dog Lucy.
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